Safety Management and Training
ABN 384 027 876 26
Genevieve White
PO Box 67
Oyster Bay NSW 2225
Mobile: 0402 294 490
Marine SafetyWorks is pleased to offer the following services:
Training is an integral part of Marine SafetyWorks and supports the overall safety preparation of yachts and crew, particularly for offshore racing and cruising. The key course focus is the World Sailing Safety and Sea Survival course which provides an overriding approach to safety. Marine SafetyWorks also provides training in Workplace Approved Australian Red Cross First Aid with the focus on marine environmental challenges and adaptations, and training for Marine Radio Certificates of Proficiency in both VHF (Short Range) and HF (Long Range). Boat specific training is also offered in the use of the safety equipment supplied by Marine SafetyWorks, and in the development and practice of Standard Operating and Emergency Procedures onboard.
Exciting news for Sea Survival training!
Marine SafetyWorks has exclusive rights to teach the World Sailing/Australian Sailing Safety and Sea Survival Course wet drill components at The ACE Training Centre with high quality environmental simulations including waves, wind, lighting and sound effects. Studies show that the more realistic and relevant your training, the better your learning, memory, and reasoning, particularly in a real-life pressure situation.
This training is a must if you are going offshore, and supports your on-water endeavours at all levels. Importantly, given the practical nature of the marine world, we run the course in a face to face format to allow for interactive and vital discussion and development of ideas and knowledge. The resulting certificate is valid for 5 years - the time spent in direct training with interactive discussion is invaluable.
Current course dates and booking details can be found on the following link: MSW Course Details and Bookings
A total safety audit to determine the status of equipment and the subsequent requirements for service, replacement and supply of marine safety equipment.
The supply of safety equipment to specific safety category standards as defined by the Special Regulations Part 1 in the Australian Sailing (AS) Racing Rules of Sailing, and as required by marine authorities.
An annual service monitoring the expiry or service dates of safety equipment to ensure it remains within current safety regulations. The owner is advised with a generous lead time of any servicing or replacement requirements for his/her own action, or action by Marine SafetyWorks at an agreed price.
Manuals and Guides including an Australian East Coast Radio Frequency Guide, an Australian North and West Coast Radio Frequency Guide, a Safety Briefing Guide including Standard Operating Procedures, and Marine Radio Notes. Also available are boat specific safety manuals which, after consultation for owner preferences, include safety briefing notes, Standard Operating Procedures for emergency situations, a summary of equipment operation instructions, completed warranties and equipment manuals.
Please do not hesitate to call for more information. There are a wide range of services available which can be tailored to specific needs.
Genevieve White, Principal
Genevieve developed Marine SafetyWorks in 2004 as a result of extensive experience in marine safety over 38 years of yachting in the competitive, cruising, training and development arenas. She has logged over 130,000 offshore miles across deliveries and offshore racing which includes the 2001-2002 Volvo Ocean Race as navigator for the Nautor Challenge entry Amer Sports Too, and other international races including the Newport to Bermuda, Sydney to Hobart, Fastnet, and Transpac as well as deliveries from Darwin to Greece and more recently Sydney to the United Kingdom via New Zealand, Tahit, Paname, Antigua, and the Azores. Her experiences in the Southern Ocean and in those many offshore miles have highlighted the absolute necessity for a professional approach to marine safety issues, and the value of training.
Genevieve was very closely involved in the development of the Australian Yachting Federation (now Australian Sailing) Safety and Sea Survival course which was adopted by the International Sailing Federation (now World Sailing), and is now presented worldwide as the World Sailing Safety and Sea Survival Course. It is an integral part of offshore racing in Australia and worldwide. Genevieve is also qualified to teach and invigilate Marine Radio for the Office of Maritime Communications, First Aid for the Australian Red Cross, and Safety and Sea Survival for Australian Sailing.
Marine SafetyWorks aims to provide assistance to all yacht owners, both in sail and power, to improve safety awareness, and to ensure safety compliance with relevant safety regulations at all times. It is a ‘one stop shop’ for all safety management needs for recreational and small commercial yacht owners and businesses.